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How To Package A Go-Kart Engine – The Packaging Doctor

By Carl Board • Monday 24th February 2014

The Surgery Is Now Open

Packaging Doctor

Hello Doctor,

I have a small go-kart business and have recently had the opportunity to upgrade all the vehicles I use which is great news. To make a bit of extra cash I have decided to take apart the old karts and sell off the parts. I have just sold an engine – which weighs about 50lbs – on eBay and now I’m slightly panicking as I have NO idea how to package it.

Can you help?

Thanks, Mariana

Hi Mariana,

Talk about living the dream! Owning a go-kart business must be great fun and good for you for being thrifty with your old parts. It might have been a good idea to consider how you were going to package and ship the item before listing it on an auction site – but I am not your mother so let’s tackle this!

Parts such as engines are often left very oily – even when cleaned – and this can mean that the packaging is often damaged in transit. However, Kite offers a number of products for these kinds of specialist items so that they are protected and arrive to customers undamaged. To begin, wrap the engine in our waxed paper – this has a special coating on it designed to resist moisture and prevent the product from becoming too dry – as oily parts often need to retain grease to work effectively. The barrier the paper creates will prevent seeping in to the outer container and affecting other goods in transit.

Next step is to take a extra heavy duty boxes – these are made from strong cardboard to transport even the heaviest of goods and fill it with vermiculite. Vermiculite is made from natural minerals has been specially designed for hazardous parts and chemicals – it is also fireproof which is excellent when transporting flammable parts. Finally seal with strong tape, and finish with a ‘Open With Care’ warning label to inform handlers of the contents inside.

Best Wishes, The Packaging Doctor

Note: All the packaging problems our doctor receives are real queries from customers or non-customers.

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