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Kite blog

Happy Earth Day!

By Jake Kirk • Tuesday 25th April 2023

At Kite, every day is Earth day. 

We recognise the dire consequences our home and future generations face if we don’t act accordingly to protect our planet. That’s why we’ve been committed to minimising our impact on the environment since our founding. From maximising our use of recycled and recyclable materials in products and partnering with suppliers who recognise their environmental responsibility, to minimising packaging waste both on-site and through our service offering, we take a proactive approach to supporting our environment. 

This year’s theme for Earth Day was ‘invest in our planet’ and what better way to do that than by investing in circular packaging practises. In a circular economy, products are reused and, if they can’t be, they are recycled instead through chemical, mechanical or biological processes such as composting. In a circular world, single-use plastics are a thing of the past. 

At Kite, we supply a vast range of sustainable alternatives which are affordable, don’t cost the world or deplete our resources – and we’re always adding more so there’s no shortage of eco-friendly packaging products to choose from.  


These cartons are made from reinforced single wall cardboard, boasting a strength that is equivalent to a double wall box while using less material than one. This means more of these boxes can be fitted onto a pallet, leading to lower shipping costs and a reduced carbon footprint. 

They contain between 60-90% recycled content and their manufacturing process expends 30% less CO₂ emissions in comparison to double wall boxes. 

Paper Bubble Wrap

Our paper bubble wrap is a great eco-friendly alternative for those who still want to use this kind of packaging but wish to operate sustainably. 3mm deep indentations in the wrap act as ‘bubbles’ which effectively absorb shock from any impact during transit, far outperforming its plastic counterpart. 

This product is made from 100% recycled paper and can be recycled kerbside by the end user, ensuring responsible disposal. 

5x5 Nano Pallet Wrap & Dispenser 

Our patented 5x5 nano pallet wrap and dispenser is an innovation which provides ‘machine technology’ in the hand thanks to its pre-stretch gears which releases the film at its maximum elastic point. It cuts film use by up to 60%, can reduce the amount of plastic used within your business and can be recycled by the end consumer. 

Enviro-stretch Pallet Wrap

This pallet wrap is the preferred choice of ecologically aware companies thanks to its 30% recycled plastic content and reduced footprint. 

Paper Documents Enclosed Wallets 

While the clarity of these wallets may deceive you into believing they are made from plastic, they are actually comprised completely of paper and are far more eco-friendly. 

Speedman Box 

This is a completely paper-based void fill solution. Made from 100% recycled paper which can be widely recycled kerbside along with the outer box it comes with. 

Aside from our reinforced paper tape, all other varieties of kraft paper tapes that we provide are 100% recyclable and aid responsible disposal by the end user. The manufacture of kraft paper tape uses sustainable processes and produces ‘waste’ material which can be reused. The recognisable kraft hue is created by forgoing the excessive bleaching process most papers are subjected to for their white colour, saving more energy.